Wednesday, November 18, 2015

     Three months ago, I could not have imagined that I would have the opportunity to speak in both Germany and Austria for the rights of the most vulnerable in our society, the pre-born. But that and so much more is what happened last week.
     It all started when I ate dinner with two Youth for Life members while I was staying in Munich a couple weeks ago. They asked me if I wanted to speak at their Munich Youth for Life “String of Lights”/Rally for Life. So, on Saturday, November 7th, I found myself speaking up for women and the unborn in the Munich Marienplatz - the center of Bavaria. It was an amazing experience to be there - in a huge German city - standing with a little over a hundred other brave young Germans for life. 
     The next day, I took the train to Fulda, Germany. And on Monday, I gave a presentation to two advanced English classes at a Gymnasium. The students were between 16 and 17 years old and paid great attention. After a discussion on human rights in general and their application or infringement in Germany, I was introduced. One of the students had brought up the right to life as the most basic human life, so I expounded on that and we watched a video showing how about 5 times as many African American babies are aborted than white babies and how over half of the African American babies are killed. The youth were surprised and did not feel that this was good. Anyway, by the end, nearly everyone admitted that abortion was wrong, although some said it’s a very personal decision and maybe it would be better to abort if you could not take care of the child, didn’t have enough money for food, etc. “Alright, say there is a three-year-old child who does not have enough food and his parents are mean to him and abusive. How about we give him a lethal injection to put him out of his misery?” Of course, all of the students were appalled. “We should not just end someone’s life because they could have a difficult life. We should fix those problems,” one of the students responded. I agreed!
     It felt amazing to know that I’d made a difference that day. I pray that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of these students.
     On Tuesday, I went to a Vaterhaus in Fulda. Young mothers come to this home for nearly free clothes, toys, and encouragement. Similar to our pregnancy resource centers, the Father’s House tries to help young mothers in need. Kathleen works in the shop every morning and we sorted cloths together and played with the children. One boy named George came in with his mother. He was three and so cute! Thinking that he was big boy, he put on bright green tennis shoes several sizes too big and strutted around with his hands in his pockets like he was somebody! While we played together and tried on different types of shoes on him, he gave me a big pair of bright green tennis shoes and clearly wanted me to wear them. So, I took off my gray boots and gleefully tried on the too small tennis shoes. Then he tried on helmets and really liked a bike helmet which was a girl’s helmet with flowers on it, especially because of the metal mesh on it which looked like a scary visor. He put a black kid’s helmet on me and then we both looked so silly!! J
     On Wednesday morning, I again volunteered at the Vaterhaus before taking the bus back to Munich where I volunteered at 1000Plus on Thursday and Friday. Part of Pro Femina (Pro Woman) 1000Plus offers support and nonjudgmental council to over 2,000 women considering abortion a year. Two out of three women to speak to one of their trained councilors end up choosing life.
     Then came Saturday… Quickly hugging my kind host Julia goodbye, I jumped on the bus and made my journey to the Subway where I found my train. Looking at the stops, I got off, quickly purchased my train ticket, but then got very confused when everyone said that there were no trains here… At this point, I realized that I had 9 minutes before my train would leave toward Salzburg – from two stations away. When I got to the right station, I frantically looked for my train. At last I found it. The doors closed literally a few seconds after I jumped on my train. Certainly, I had been praying! I was so grateful to God!
     In Rosenheim, I met with Austrian Youth for Life members and drove with them through the breathtaking Austrian Alps to Innsbruck. After helping prepare for the Youth for Life “Chain of Lights”, we went to the plaza where we would start the rally. Soon more and more people holding candles and pro-life began to line the road way in the fading light. When the first speaker started, we began to hear the shouts of about 20 protesters holding a couple large banners, one with an especially crude looking picture. “If Mary had had an abortion, you wouldn’t be here,” they shouted. Alternatively, they yelled, “My body, my choice,” and sang a mocking version of the Lord’s Prayer.
     Before long, I saw the police carry a couple struggling and shouting protesters across the street and eventually put them into police cars. I was surprised; I had never imaged that the protesters would be arrested. 
     After the 100 or so of us walked around the city for a bit, we came to a main square where I shared, encouraging those present to imagine what it would be like if they became pregnant unexpectedly as a university student, a high school student whose parents are pressuring you to have an abortion, or a girl in an abusive relationship. These women need support and help, not the lies, betrayal and profiting off of that they receive at the hands of Planned Parenthood. Instead, we can be modern day heroes by encouraging a young man to be a dad, supporting a Gymnasium student whose is pregnant, or hugging your sobbing friend as she shares that she has experienced abortion.

     Looking back, I can still hardly believe how amazing of a week it was. God opened up so many doors and did so much. And I cannot express enough gratitude to the many new friends have welcomed me into their homes and hearts. May God get all the glory! 

Friday, September 18, 2015

I'm starting this blog to tell the story of my journey following His handwriting - the handwriting of my Savior Jesus Christ. Through the adventures and struggles that He leads me through, I hope to encourage you to follow Him also. There is no greater joy and hope than can be found in Him. Even in the darkest times He is present. More to come!